With 750,000+ ebooks now available at Amazon to say readers are spoilt for choice would be an understatement. But with such a huge selection, where do you start? DailyCheapReads search the Kindle Store to find the bargains so Kindlers have more time to read. Each day, they list cheap reads, with a guarantee no book will ever be priced over US$5. And at least once a day, they post a SuperCheap (less than US$2) and/or Free read.
DailyCheapReads have three sites:
- DailyCheapReads.com for purchases from the US Kindle Store
- DailyCheapReads.com/junior for young readers – children, tweens and teens
- DailyCheapReads.co.uk for Kindlers in the United Kingdom (£6 or less)
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