24 December 2010

Dear friends...

Merry Christmas and/or happy holidays to all my friends, old and new. I’ve met and connected with some wonderful people this year. I have my writing to thank for introducing me to readers and writers alike. I can’t express how much your friendship and support means to me. Thank you.


  1. Distance is only a matter of geography. In our heart is what counts!

    Seasons cheer,

  2. Well said!

    Merry Christmas, Cherri. :)

    Vicki xx

  3. Thank you, Vicki, for the wonderful books you've given us!

    Merry Christmas!


  4. The feeling is mutual! Hurry up and finish that next novel... please. :)

    Merry Christmas, Debbie.

    Vicki xx

  5. Best wishes to you, too, Vicki! I hope that all your wishes and dreams may come true in the New Year.

  6. Vicki, love your new blog. Just found it and will follow with much interest :)

    Thank you for your Christmas greetings.
    My very best wishes for the New Year which will bring even more successes with your gripping stories.

    I've just finished Brittle Shadows - what a ride! Exciting ending! Just so darn good!! ... you go girl!

  7. Thanks, Guido. That wish goes both ways. Here's to a happy and successful 2011.

  8. Thanks, Susan. I thought it was about time I dragged the blog out of test mode. :)

    I'm chuffed to have a photoblog friend fall in love with my novels. Gotta love the Internet. :

    Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Sylvia: What a lovely sentiment. That's what friends are for. As Cherri says, distance is only a matter of geography. Thank you for YOUR friendship and support.

    Here's to a happy, healthy and successful 2011 for us all.

    Vicki xx
